Name: Emilie Poplett
Title and Organization: Social Media Communications Manager at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina
Graduation year and degree: 2014 BA in Journalism and Communication Arts
Dealing with chronic illness, especially without a confirmed diagnosis, is challenging for anyone. J-School alum Emilie Poplett recently wrote about her experience for the New York Times’ “Modern Love” column. In her piece, titled “The Dress Promised Me Something the Doctors Couldn’t”, she shared how overhauling her wardrobe became a form of healing and hope. We caught up with her to hear about her article.
When it comes to this piece, what are you most proud of?
I’m always nervous and shy about putting my writing out into the world for people to read, so I’m most proud that I faced the fear of judgment and did it anyway.
What’s the best advice you have for a J-School student who wants to do what you do?
Don’t self-reject. Don’t be the one to decide you’re not “good enough” for a job opportunity. If I only submitted my writing to publications I thought would publish my work, I definitely wouldn’t have written to the New York Times, let alone to Modern Love. You have a message and a voice that the world needs, so don’t be afraid to champion your work.
When we say “J-School,” what do you think of?
I think of late nights in College Library, getting pizzas delivered as we hustled to finish an advertising pitch or a marketing campaign or some crazy, fun project that seemed impossible at first. And then I think of the sense of accomplishment and group camaraderie we felt when we pulled it off.