
Since the first journalism class at UW more than 100 years ago, we have relied on alumni and supporter contributions to help us fulfill our educational mission. Your generosity helps us deliver courses, support scholarships and internships, upgrade technology, encourage faculty development and conduct research. Since 2000, alumni giving has been central to the critical equipment upgrades in the launch of our new curriculum, and it has helped individual students achieve their dreams and goals.

You can make a contribution in one of two ways:

  1. Visit the UW Foundation website and make a donation online.
  2. Make a contribution by mail. Make checks payable to the University of Wisconsin Foundation and mail to: University of Wisconsin Foundation, U.S. Bank Lockbox, P.O. Box 78807, Milwaukee, WI 53278-0807.

Please include a note indicating that your gift is given to support SJMC and designate a fund or area of need.

If you would like to discuss future donations, planned giving or other funding possibilities, please contact Marit Barkve, our UW Foundation representative, at (608) 515-3052 or via e-mail.

How Donations Are Used

A funding crisis in public higher education gives donations from dedicated alumni even greater significance. Like the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the School of Journalism and Mass Communication expects the state to meet its obligations in support of public higher education. Gifts from alumni and friends cannot replace state support, but donations allow the school to move beyond core course offerings and provide a deeper, richer academic environment. Donations have a significant impact on the entire school, as well as the lives of individual students.

Alumni Donations Benefit

Undergraduate students: Dozens of students receive SJMC scholarships each year thanks to alumni donations. These funds are granted on the basis of academic and professional excellence as well as financial need.

Graduate students:  Alumni donations also fund graduate fellowships, allowing some of the most promising future communicators to perform cutting-edge research.

SJMC facilities: It is critical that our students have the opportunity to practice their skills on the equipment they will encounter in the field. Alumni donations allow school facilities to stay current with changes in technology and provide a complete education.

Student services: Donations have allowed the SJMC to broaden its internship and career guidance services, bring in special speakers and providing greater opportunities for students to learn more about the field of communication.

SJMC education: Alumni donations are used to endow professorships, recruit junior faculty, and bring media professionals to campus to give guest lecturers or teach semester-long special topics classes. They also support development of new and innovative courses and workshops that allow students to work with mass communicators.

Donations make a difference!