Day of the Badger 2024: By the Numbers

J202 lab students led by TA and PhD student Kruthika Kamath pose during a Day of the Badger celebration at Vilas Hall.

J202 lab students led by TA and PhD student Kruthika Kamath pose during a Day of the Badger celebration at Vilas Hall.Thanks to a generous outpouring of support from our alumni and friends, Day of the Badger 2024 was a record-breaking success! We are so thankful for the immense support of our J-School community. Here’s a look at how we did this year:


minutes of giving


dollars raised for the School of Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Fund, which provides discretionary support for current students through scholarships, facility and technology upgrades, hands-on learning experiences and more. This was a 25.29 percent year-over-year increase!


gifts given to the J-School during Day of the Badger 2024.


match gift raised by current and former Board of Visitors members.


generous current and former Board of Visitors members who contributed to the match gift: gift leaders Ben Deutsch and Scott Farrell, Mike Brophy, Betsy Brown, Mary Conway, Shoshana Dichter, Phil Haslanger, Kim Kelleher, Rory Leyden, Pete Marino, Anne Martino, Bob Miller, Phil Rosenthal, Ann Wessing and Dave Zweifel.



donuts consumed during the first annual Day of the Badger event hosted by our Communications Manager, Kara Rheingans. Students enjoyed free donuts, swag and photos with Bucky while also sharing why they love the J-School.

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