Sandy Newman

Founder, Content Muse

Sandy Newman headshot

Sandy is a 28-year veteran of commercial film production and the founder of Content Muse. Working her way up from intern to head of production at several top tier production companies in New York City, Sandy learned first-hand the process of how film production supports the advertising industry. Serving more than a decade as head of production for a bi-coastal industry leader, Sandy strategized and created complex live-action and postproduction estimates and, alongside accomplished feature and television directors, oversaw treatments and production for thousands of commercial spots. Throughout her time on staff, Sandy saw the rise in the importance and sophistication of the “treatment” or pitch, used to showcase and sell a director’s vision. Content Muse fills this niche for the global production industry with their roster of highly sought after and recognized writers, visual researchers, and designers that present a director’s approach in a visually engaging way.

Sandy received her Bachelor of Arts from UW–Madison in Journalism and Mass Communication (’98). Her well-respected industry skills earned her the opportunity to lead the film budgeting section of the AICP commercial production-training seminar, guest lecture at New York University’s film department, and most recently speak in front of students in the classrooms where she spent her time in Vilas Hall at the UW School of Journalism.