PhD student Jisoo Kim was selected as a 2024 recipient of a Dissertation Fellowship by The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi which is designed to support active Society members in the dissertation writing stage of doctoral study.
Graduate Students
Graduate Student Highlight: Professional M.A. Class of 2024
This past spring, five of our Professional M.A. students celebrated the completion of their degrees.
Celebrating J-School Women in Research: Q&A with Ph.D. Student Indri Maulidar
We’re celebrating Women’s History Month by highlighting some amazing J-School women in research! In our fourth and final installment, we talked to Ph.D. student Indri Maulidar who is studying burnout and mental health in newsrooms.
Celebrating J-School Women in Research: Q&A with Ph.D. Student Kruthika Kamath
We’re celebrating Women’s History Month by highlighting some amazing J-School women in research! In our second installment, we talked to Kruthika Kamath, a Ph.D. student studying social movements, women’s studies, digital media, news coverage, and persuasive communication.
Celebrating J-School Women in Research: Q&A With Ph.D. Student Xiaoya Jiang
We’re celebrating Women’s History Month by highlighting some of our amazing J-School women in research! First up, we’re excited to feature Xiaoya Jiang, a Ph.D. student studying public opinion.
Graduate Student Highlight: Miquéla Thornton
Professional Master’s student Miquéla Thornton shares what brought her to the J-School, her passion for environmental reporting and advice to future grad students.
Meet the J-School’s Spring 2024 Adjunct Instructors and Lecturers
This spring, the J-School welcomes seven adjunct instructors and lecturers to provide students with a real-world perspective on the world of communication. They share what they hope students take away from their courses.
Graduate Student Highlight: Professional M.A. Class of December 2023
This December, four professional master’s students graduated and presented their final portfolios of published work. Check out their work and see what they hope to do next.
Curb Magazine launches 22nd edition, Curb: Fusion
Explore Wisconsin’s rich tapestry in Curb: Fusion, the 22nd edition. Available in print and online, this edition contains compelling stories important to today.
Graduate Student Highlight: Carlos Dávalos
Ph.D. student Carlos Dávalos is a member of the J-School’s Inclusion Committee. He shares what compelled him to join the committee and his work within the J-School.