The Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) will hold its first ever virtual conference August 5-9, 2020. The 103rd annual conference’s theme, “Saving the planet through better media and communication,” is sure to promote engaging discussion on important topics. Graduate students and faculty from the UW-Madison School of Journalism and Mass Communication will be active throughout the conference, by presenting research, acting as panelists and moderators in group discussions, and more.
Here’s a look at the sessions featuring SJMC students and faculty:
- Communication Theory and Methodology and Communicating Science, Health, Environment and Risk Divisions Scholar-to-Scholar (Poster) Refereed Paper Session
- The Influence of Competing Frames and Appeals on Perceptions of DTCA and Support for its Regulation – Ayellet Pelled, Juwon Hwang, Hyesun Choung, Jiwon Kang, Yuanliang Shan and Moonhoon Choi
- Reflection in Narrative Persuasion: Thinking Beyond Transportation – Ran Tao
- Cultural and Critical Studies and Political Communications Divisions
- PF&R Panel Session: Telling Lies in America: Are Today’s Journalists Watchdogs, Lapdogs, or Something Else – Sue Robinson (Panelist)
- South Asia Communication Association (SACA)
- Research Panel Session I – Media Research on South Asia and Its Diaspora Worldwide
- Topic II — Role of Media and Communication in the COVID-19 Pandemic – Shreenita Ghosh (Discussant)
- Research Panel Session I – Media Research on South Asia and Its Diaspora Worldwide
- Public Relations and Communication Technology Divisions Scholar-to-Scholar (Poster) Refereed Paper Session
- Assumption of Consensus: A Path Model Predicting Political Participation Among Instant Messaging App Users – HyungJin Gill and Hernando Rojas
- Mass Communication and Society, International Communication Divisions and Graduate Student Interest Group Scholar-to-Scholar (Poster) Refereed Paper Session
- International Communication Division: Topic II — Framing in News and Media Around the World – Josephine Lukito (Discussant)
- Blue Wave as A Strategic Game Frame? – Sang Jung Kim, Heysung Lee, Ran Tao, Shreenita Ghosh and Yibing Sun
- Communication Theory and Methodology and Mass Communication and Society Divisions
- PF&R Panel Session: Responsible and Rigorous Scholarship: Advocating Open Research Practices in Journalism and Mass Communication – Josephine Lukito (Panelist)
- Media Ethics and Cultural and Critical Studies Divisions
- Teaching Panel Session Codebreaker: Teaching Media Ethics Beyond the Code of Ethics – Lindsay Palmer (Panelist)
- Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Scholar-to-Scholar (Poster) Refereed Paper Session
- Extending the Mood Management Theory: How Entertainment and Informational Television Viewing Moderates the Effects of Anxiety on Smoking Behavior – Juwon Hwang, Wisconsin-Madison and Porismita Borah, Washington State
- Advertising and Political Communication Divisions Scholar-to-Scholar (Poster) Refereed Paper Session
- The Political Use of Search Engines: Differences in the Information Seeking Habits Between Right-leaning and Left-leaning Users – Chau Tong
- Wall and Sword: Attitudes towards Two Types of Online Censorship in China – Xining Liao
- When the Desert Matters: Contextual Differences in Local News Environment and Polarized Perceptions of Local Economy – Jianing Li, Jiyoun Suk and Josephine Lukito, Wisconsin-Madison; Ceri Hughes, Brunel University; Jordan Foley and Lewis Friedland, Wisconsin-Madison; Chris Wells, Boston University; Dhavan V. Shah and Michael Wagner, Wisconsin-Madison
- Cultural and Critical Studies Division Refereed Panel Session: Representation, Identity and Critique in Media
- Capital and Legitimacy: Trans* Communicators as Cultural Intermediaries – Erica Ciszek, Texas at Austin; Richard Mocarski, Nebraska at Kearney and Elaine Almeida, Wisconsin-Madison
- Jim Murphy Award (Top Faculty Paper)
- Capital and Legitimacy: Trans* Communicators as Cultural Intermediaries – Erica Ciszek, Texas at Austin; Richard Mocarski, Nebraska at Kearney and Elaine Almeida, Wisconsin-Madison
- Political Communication Division Refereed Paper Session
- Political Engagement – Josephine Lukito (Moderating/Presiding)
- Am I With Her or With…Him?: Public and Online Participation in the 2016 US Presidential Election – Jiyoun Suk, Doug McLeod and Dhavan Shah
- Media Ethics and Newspaper and Online News Division Teaching Panel Session
- Teaching Less Extractive Reporting – Kathleen Bartzen Culver (Moderating/Presiding)
- International Communication Division: High Density Refereed Research Session Navigating the Communicative Ties between Media, Citizens, and Politicians
- Cultural Identity of Post-Colonial South Koreans: Through the South Korean Boycott against Japan in 2019 – Jisoo Kim
- Newspaper and Online News Division, Entertainment Studies and Internships and Careers Interest Groups Scholar-to-Scholar (Poster) Refereed Paper Session
- A Whole ‘Nother Domain: Understanding Future’s Performance of the Authentic Black Male Identity in Hip-Hop – Jordan Sallis and Josephine Lukito
- Communication Theory and Methodology Division: Refereed Paper Session Best of CT&M – Dhavan Shah (Discussant)
- Political Communication Division Refereed Paper Session Best of Political Communication Division
- How the Left, Center, and Right Covered the #MeToo Movement: Structural Topic Modeling, Thematic Structure and Language Patterns – Min-Hsin Su, Jiyoun Suk, Shreenita Ghosh and Kruthika Kamath, Wisconsin-Madison; Porismita Borah, Washington State; Teresa Correa, Diego Portales University; Christine Garlough, and Dhavan Shah, Wisconsin-Madison
- First Place Paper
- How the Left, Center, and Right Covered the #MeToo Movement: Structural Topic Modeling, Thematic Structure and Language Patterns – Min-Hsin Su, Jiyoun Suk, Shreenita Ghosh and Kruthika Kamath, Wisconsin-Madison; Porismita Borah, Washington State; Teresa Correa, Diego Portales University; Christine Garlough, and Dhavan Shah, Wisconsin-Madison
- Sports Communication Interest Group Refereed Paper Session: Issues in Sports Journalism and Information
- Celebration or Something More?: Press Coverage of the 1992 Chicago Bulls Riot – Brandon Storlie
- Law and Policy Division Refereed Paper Session: Press Freedom: Past, Present, and Future
- Clinical Journalism Education: Legal and Ethical Implications of Faculty-Led Reporting Laboratories – Kathleen Culver, Wisconsin-Madison and Frank LaMonte, Florida