Elaine Almeida

PhD Student


Elaine Almeida headshot

Elaine Almeida is a doctoral student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s School of Journalism and Mass Communication, with minors in Gender and Women Studies, and Transdisciplinary Visual Cultures. Currently, her work calls attention to how historically marginalized/othered storytellers utilize care to transform digital spaces. In particular, she considers Asian and Latino men who survive interpersonal violence, and acculturative stress experienced by Latina and Asian American women in the United States.

Methodologically, she complements this research agenda through a corpus of qualitative and humanities approaches to knowledge production and ways of being. She actively employs and advocates for “alternative” forms of knowledge in her research and writing.

Alongside this, Almeida is also a freelance illustrator and artist. Her account Almeida(Again) highlights and meditates on the axiom “strength in tenderness.” Self-taught, Almeida’s digital sketches are minimalist romps in the lasting emotions of ephemeral moments. Prints and tattoos of her artwork can be found across the globe.

Almeida holds both a B.S. and M.A. in Advertising from the University of Texas at Austin. She lives in a small flat with a fake fiddle leaf fig. She does not see this as symbolic.