Learn about the Advertising Club through our series SJMC Communities which highlights student organizations available to SJMC students.
From Classroom to Real World: SJMC Student James Hanson Launches Saveory after J202 Success
SJMC junior James Hanson recently launched Saveory, a restaurant deal-finder app, after finding inspiration and success in J202.
SJMC Partners with Milwaukee Diaper Mission to Provide Students with Real-World Experience
SJMC students in J463: Digital Media Strategies partnered with the Milwaukee Diaper Mission to redesign their website and develop a creative marketing campaign.
SJMC Class Moves Wisconsin Forward Together with UniverCity Alliance
Each semester, students in J445: Creative Campaign Messages, work with a Wisconsin town to create a marketing campaign through its partnership with UniverCity Alliance.
Commitment to Education Builds Community with Habermas Reading Group
Two years ago a group of Ph.D. students wrangled their hunger to learn Jurgen Habermas’ Theory of Communicative Action and created a reading group.
Behind the Scenes: The Innovative Student Projects Transforming the Journalism Reading Room
Explore dynamic student-let projects transforming UW’s Journalism Reading Room. Discover the initiatives reshaping the iconic study space.
SJMC Students Help Madison Area Food Pantry Gardens Announce Expansion
Students created and ran a public relations campaign for Madison Area Food Pantry Gardens as part of their public relations strategy coursework.
Journalists’ values, challenges are at the heart of the latest game from UW–Madison’s Field Day Lab
UW-Madison’s Field Day Lab and SJMC professor Sue Robinson launched an educational video game to teach middle school students media literacy skills.
The Wisconsin Idea in Action: SJMC Collaborates on COVID-19 Wisconsin Connect App
The University of Wisconsin has a long tradition of quality education, strong community and dedicated service. These principles are all key to the Wisconsin Idea: that education should influence people’s lives beyond the boundaries of …