Name: Seungahn Nah
Title and Organization: Professor, Dianne Snedaker Chair in Media Trust, and Research Director for the Consortium on Trust in Media and Technology (CTMT), University of Florida’s College of Journalism and Communications (UFCJC).
Graduation Year and Degree: 2006 Mass Communication Ph.D.
As trust in media and technology is in decline and polarization increases, we’ve seen a rise in disinformation and contention, which threatens our democracy. In order to study and address these growing concerns, the University of Florida has formed the Consortium on Trust in Media and Technology (CTMT). Made up of communication scholars and industry consultants, the consortium aims to better understand how technology influences the way we interact with information. Recently, SJMC alum Seungahn Nah (PhD’06) was named the Dianne Snedaker Chair in Media Trust and Research Director for the CTMT. We caught up with him to see what he hopes to achieve and what he remembers from his time in the J-School.
When it comes to this new role, what are you most looking forward to?
As the inaugural endowed chair and research director for the consortium, I look forward to working on media and technology, including AI, trust-related projects with highly talented scholars and students at the University of Florida and beyond. I can’t be more excited about the opportunity to build scholarly and professional infrastructure and network for research on trust as a foundation of democracy.
What advice would you give to a J-Schooler who wants to do what you do?
As a scholar-educator-civic minded intellectual, my advice especially for doctoral students is dream big, be persistent and resilient to make your dream come true.
What is your favorite J-School memory?
The J-School is special to my academic and personal life. Wisconsin’s J-School is among the oldest, the best, and the brightest. My favorite J-School memory was engaging in intellectual dialogue with my esteemed professors and students who have become lifetime colleagues and friends. On Wisconsin!