From August 4-7, 2021, the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) will hold its 104th annual conference. The virtual event features research presentations, panel discussion and more from some of the world’s top communications scholars, including faculty and graduate students from UW-Madison’s School of Journalism and Mass Communication.
On Wednesday, Professor Kathleen Bartzen Culver will be presented with the 2020 Scripps Howard Journalism & Mass Communication Teacher of the Year Award.
Additionally, two SJMC faculty and one graduate student have also been recognized with awards for their research, including:
- Professor Kathleen Bartzen Culver, lead author on “Student Activism vs. Student Journalism: Racial Justice, Free Speech, and Journalism Ethics in College Newspapers”, which received a Top Faculty Paper award.
- Professor Emerita Sharon Dunwoody, a co-author on “Examining Antecedents to Accuracy- and Defense-Motivated Information Insufficiency in the COVID-19 Pandemic”, which tied for a Top Faculty Paper award.
- PhD student Danny Parker, whose paper “The Politics of Resistance: An Ethnographic Examination of Political Alienation and Radical Disengagement of the Rural Underclass” received a First Place Student Paper award.
Here’s a look at all sessions featuring SJMC students and faculty:
- 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. – Increasing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Media Law and Ethics Curricula
- Moderating/Presiding Kathleen Bartzen Culver
- 1:30 to 3 p.m. – Participatory Journalism Interest Group Preconference Workshop Session
- Engaged Journalism Exchange: Toward an Antiracist Journalism Education
- Panelist: Sue Robinson
- Engaged Journalism Exchange: Toward an Antiracist Journalism Education
- 11a.m. to 12:30 p.m. – Mass Communication and Society Division Refereed Paper Session
- On Misinformation and Fact-checking: An Empirical and Theoretical Imperative
- Who Conducts Fact Checking and Does It Matter?: Examining the Antecedents and Consequences of Fact-checking Behavior in Hong Kong
- Stella Chia and Fangcao Lu, City University of Hong Kong and Al Gunther, Wisconsin-Madison
- Stella Chia and Fangcao Lu, City University of Hong Kong and Al Gunther, Wisconsin-Madison
- Who Conducts Fact Checking and Does It Matter?: Examining the Antecedents and Consequences of Fact-checking Behavior in Hong Kong
- On Misinformation and Fact-checking: An Empirical and Theoretical Imperative
- 1 to 2:30 p.m. – International Communication Division High Density Refereed Paper Session
- Media Matter: From Pandemic to Social Movements
- Topic II — Ethics and Perception about Media
- [EA] Two Side of the Same Coin: How Violent Incidents Have Opposing Media Coverages
- Carlos Dávalos
- [EA] Two Side of the Same Coin: How Violent Incidents Have Opposing Media Coverages
- Topic II — Ethics and Perception about Media
- Media Matter: From Pandemic to Social Movements
- 1 to 2:30 p.m. – Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Business Session
- AEJMC Presidential Council of Affiliates Taskforce
- Panelist: Lucas Graves
- AEJMC Presidential Council of Affiliates Taskforce
- 3 to 4:30 p.m. – Commission on the Status of Women, Graduate Student Interest Group and Communication Technology Division Scholar-to-Scholar Refereed Paper Poster Session
- Topic VI — Digital Media & Civic Engagement
- Parasocial Interactions with Live Streamers, Social Capital, and Political Participation
- Heysung Lee, Yibing Sun and Hernando Rojas
- Parasocial Interactions with Live Streamers, Social Capital, and Political Participation
- Topic VI — Digital Media & Civic Engagement
- 7 to 8:30 p.m. – Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Keynote Session
- 2020-21 AEJMC President Award(s) Recognitions
- Presentation of Scripps Howard Awards
- 2020 Scripps Howard Journalism & Mass Communication Teacher of the Year Award Recipient: Kathleen Bartzen Culver
- Presentation of Scripps Howard Awards
- 2020-21 AEJMC President Award(s) Recognitions
- 9 to 10:30 a.m. – Mass Communication and Society Division High Density Refereed Paper Session
- Politics and Mass Communication Theories in Contemporary Context
- Theme II — Priming, Framing, and Agenda-setting in New Context
- When Does the Past Colonial Memory Plug into Nationalism? Information and Media’s Priming of Anti-Japan Nationalism in South Korea and China
- Jisoo Kim, Gaofei Li, Xining Liao, and Hernando Rojas
- When Does the Past Colonial Memory Plug into Nationalism? Information and Media’s Priming of Anti-Japan Nationalism in South Korea and China
- Theme II — Priming, Framing, and Agenda-setting in New Context
- Politics and Mass Communication Theories in Contemporary Context
- 9 to 10:30 a.m. – Political Communication and Communication Technology Divisions
- Research Panel Session: Mixed Methods Public Scholarship in Political Communication
- Panelist: Mike Wagner
- Research Panel Session: Mixed Methods Public Scholarship in Political Communication
- 9 to 10:30 a.m. – Walter Cronkite School of Journalism & Mass Communication, Arizona State University Teaching Panel Session
- Grappling with Culture in Journalism and Mass Communication Education
- Panelist: Sue Robinson
- Grappling with Culture in Journalism and Mass Communication Education
- 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. – Communicating Science, Health, Environment and Risk Division Refereed Paper Session: Motivations Behind Health Behaviors
- Examining Antecedents to Accuracy- and Defense-Motivated Information Insufficiency in the COVID-19 Pandemic*
- Timothy Fung and Po Yan Lai, Hong Kong Baptist and Robert Griffin, Marquette and Sharon Dunwoody, Wisconsin
- * Top Faculty Paper (Tied)
- Timothy Fung and Po Yan Lai, Hong Kong Baptist and Robert Griffin, Marquette and Sharon Dunwoody, Wisconsin
- Examining Antecedents to Accuracy- and Defense-Motivated Information Insufficiency in the COVID-19 Pandemic*
- 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. – Scripps Howard Foundation Teaching Award Panel Session
- Ignite Your Teaching and Launch Your Career
- Moderating/Presiding: 2020 Scripps Howard Foundation Teacher of the Year Recipient: Kathleen Bartzen Culver
- Ignite Your Teaching and Launch Your Career
- 3 to 4:30 p.m. – Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Scholar-to-Scholar Refereed Paper Poster Session
- Communicating Science, Health, Environment and Risk Division
- Topic VII — Information Dissemination and Connection
- [EA] Who am I Connected with? Community Detection and Effects in an Online Peer-to-Peer Support Forum
- Ellie F. Yang, Wisconsin and Yini Zhang, Buffalo and Shifan Zhang, Wisconsin
- [EA] Who am I Connected with? Community Detection and Effects in an Online Peer-to-Peer Support Forum
- Topic VII — Information Dissemination and Connection
- Communicating Science, Health, Environment and Risk Division
- 5 to 6:30 p.m. – Public Relations and Communicating Science, Health, Risk, and Environment Divisions
- PF&R Panel Session – Misinformation, Racism, and the Magnification of Health Inequities: Research Informing Publics and the Practice (and Vice Versa)
- Panelist: Ellie Yang
- PF&R Panel Session – Misinformation, Racism, and the Magnification of Health Inequities: Research Informing Publics and the Practice (and Vice Versa)
- 7 to 8:30 p.m. – International Communication, Political Communication and Communicating Science, Health, Environment and Risk Divisions Scholar-to-Scholar Refereed Paper Poster Session
- Communicating Science, Health, Environment and Risk Division
- Topic VII — Misinformation, Disinformation, and Conspiracy
- Conspiracy vs Debunking: The Role of Emotion on Public Engagement with YouTube
- Sang Jung Kim, Kaiping Chen and Lynette Gao, Wisconsin
- Conspiracy vs Debunking: The Role of Emotion on Public Engagement with YouTube
- Topic VII — Misinformation, Disinformation, and Conspiracy
- Political Communication Division
- Topic II – Political Participation on Social Media
- Social media engagement against fear of restrictions and surveillance: The mediating role of Privacy Management
- Macau K. F. Mak, Alex Zhi Xiong Koo, and Hernando Rojas
- Social media engagement against fear of restrictions and surveillance: The mediating role of Privacy Management
- Topic V – Misinformation and Covid-19
- Behavioral Effects of Partisan URLs sharing on Social Media Users: How Partisan Coverage of Vaccines receives differential Networked Sharing and Interaction on Facebook
- Shreenita Ghosh, Wisconsin; and Porismita Borah, Washington State
- Behavioral Effects of Partisan URLs sharing on Social Media Users: How Partisan Coverage of Vaccines receives differential Networked Sharing and Interaction on Facebook
- Topic VII – Political Attitudes
- How Fans Become Nationalists in China? Effects of Idol Adoration and Online Fan Community Engagement
- Xining Liao and Alex Zhi Xiong Koo
- How Fans Become Nationalists in China? Effects of Idol Adoration and Online Fan Community Engagement
- Topic II – Political Participation on Social Media
- Communicating Science, Health, Environment and Risk Division
- 9 to 10:30 a.m. – History Division Refereed Paper Session: Journalism and Public Relations: Practices and Ethics
- [EA] A Socially Responsible Trade: An Analysis of Ethical Discourse in Editor & Publisher, 1930-1934
- Max Fuller
- [EA] A Socially Responsible Trade: An Analysis of Ethical Discourse in Editor & Publisher, 1930-1934
- 3 to 4:30 p.m. – Communicating Science, Health, Environment and Risk Division High Density Refereed Paper Session: Communicating Science, Health, Environment and Risk Information in Digital Spaces
- Topic I – Substance Use
- [EA] Understanding the Nature of Communication in a Smartphone-based Peer Support Group for Alcohol Use disorder
- Tae-Joon Moon, Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio and Dhavan Shah and David Gustafson, Wisconsin
- [EA] Understanding the Nature of Communication in a Smartphone-based Peer Support Group for Alcohol Use disorder
- Topic III – Environment and Science
- Discussant – Sharon Dunwoody
- Topic I – Substance Use
- 3 to 4:30 p.m. – Community Journalism Interest Group Refereed Paper Session: Expanding Out Perspectives on Media’s Role in a Community
- Pride and Protest: Intersectional work of Queer Community Media
- Yidong Wang, Wisconsin and Avery Holton, Utah
- Pride and Protest: Intersectional work of Queer Community Media
- 5 to 6:30 p.m. – Communicating Science, Health, Environment, and Risk and Media Ethics Divisions PF&R Panel Session
- New Normal for Journalism Ethics in 2020: Journalists’ Responsibility in Addressing Misinformation in the Year of Coronavirus, Social Protests, and Natural Disasters
- Panelist – Kathleen Bartzen Culver
- New Normal for Journalism Ethics in 2020: Journalists’ Responsibility in Addressing Misinformation in the Year of Coronavirus, Social Protests, and Natural Disasters
- 7 to 8:30 p.m. – Political Communication Refereed Paper Session: Best of Political Communication
- The Politics of Resistance: An Ethnographic Examination of Political Alienation and Radical Disengagement of the Rural Underclass*
- Danny Parker
- * First Place Student Paper
- Danny Parker
- The Politics of Resistance: An Ethnographic Examination of Political Alienation and Radical Disengagement of the Rural Underclass*
- 7 to 8:30 p.m. – Scholastic Journalism Division Refereed Paper Session: Conceptualizing Journalism
- Student Activism vs. Student Journalism: Racial Justice, Free Speech, and Journalism Ethics in College Newspapers*
- Kathleen Bartzen Culver, Wisconsin and Jason Shepard, California State, Fullerton
- * Top Faculty Paper
- Kathleen Bartzen Culver, Wisconsin and Jason Shepard, California State, Fullerton
- Student Activism vs. Student Journalism: Racial Justice, Free Speech, and Journalism Ethics in College Newspapers*
- 12:30 to 2 p.m. – Scholastic Journalism Division PF&R Panel Session
- Publishing Classroom Work to Public Audiences: Legal and Ethical Considerations
- Panelist: Kathleen Bartzen Culver
- Publishing Classroom Work to Public Audiences: Legal and Ethical Considerations