Top 10 Reasons to Attend SJMC in the Summer

Photo of a Memorial Union Terrace chair with the sun setting over Lake Mendota in the background.

1. Earlier graduation

Summer study in SJMC allows up to 12 credits of work while enabling you to be home (or anywhere you like) most of the summer. For many students this can mean graduation a semester early with significant tuition and expense savings.

2. Lower cost

The tuition dollars you spend in the summer can often be saved in fewer credits later. And in the summer everything from six to nine credits is tuition-free. Consult with an advisor to plan for maximum cost savings.

3. Better job prospects

Summer study can mean a lighter course schedule later, allowing more time for intensive academic-year internships and a thorough job search as graduation approaches.

4. Faster major and certificate completion

SJMC summer courses fulfill key UW requirements such as ethnic studies, the Digital Studies Certificate core requirement, and requirements in the Certificate in Sports Communication.

5. High-quality instruction

You get real SJMC courses from UW professors and instructors who teach during the regular year – not summer substitutes.

6. Greater access

Summer study in the SJMC offers higher capacity in popular courses that can fill fast during the regular academic year.

7. Space for all

Courses that are restricted to journalism majors during the regular academic year are open by instructor consent to all majors during the summer.

8. Sharper focus

Immerse yourself in a subject without the distraction of four or five classes going on at once.

9. Graduate in May

If you’re finishing your requirements in the summer, you can participate in the May graduation events before summer starts.

10. The Terrace on a warm, sunny day

You don’t have to be on campus all summer … but you can be.