When the Madison Mallards, the Wisconsin Rapids Rafters, the Kenosha Kingfish or the Green Bay Booyah take the field, it’s because Conor Caloia has been doing his job. A 2004 graduate of the University of …
Krista Eastman
18th Edition of Curb Magazine Launches Looking into the New Decade
The 18th edition of Curb magazine, which focuses on the power of decision-making, launches today, following the stories of those who are charting the course of Wisconsin’s future through their individual choices. The magazine, titled …
Future Broadcasters Get Hands-on Experience with Badger Report
For students pursuing a career in reporting from the School of Journalism and Mass Communication, the experience of a newsroom is invaluable.
SJMC Alumni Give Back in Big Way
April 9, 2019 was the first-ever Day of the Badger campaign, a campus-wide, multi-program fundraising event that raised $1,863,080 through 5,061 gifts from generous alumni and friends of the University of Wisconsin–Madison. The …